2025 ACJV update # 3
Hi church family,
It's good to be back into church life after a summer break. We have been experiencing a deepening joy in Christ as we focus on the gospel together.
We're now into the season of Lent, a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by fasting and praying and giving. Observing Lent is a good idea. A season like this encourages us to grow in Christ by spending time praying, fasting, meditating on God's Word and giving to the hungry.
Here's a plan that you might like to take part in:
- Join with Christians around the world by praying and fasting on Fridays.
Prayer and fasting can involve eating simply, or refraining from eating for a set period of time. My personal discipline in the early weeks of Lent will be to eat simple vegetable meals on Fridays.
- Give to the hungry in this season.
Many Christians will be giving the money they save by fasting to charities which feed hungry people.
- Pray this season
When we fast, we set aside time to pray and to meditate on God's word privately and corporately. During this season of Lent, Epiphany will be open on Fridays at 7 pm for corporate prayer. If you can't make it but would like to participate, message me and I will set up a WhatsApp group so you can join in remotely.
You can also sign up to pray with others in the Diocese on Sunday nights through this link:
If you want to find out more about the season of Lent, here's a link:
Confirmation Opportunity
Bishop Steve will be visiting on June 8th. If you would like to declare your faith in public & confirm the promises made at your baptism please contact me. We'll do some Bible studies together to prepare for your confirmation.
Baptism Opportunities
If you have never been baptised, I invite you to declare your faith in Jesus by being baptised as Jesus commanded.
God Bless,