
You are very welcome at any of our services.

Got some questions about what it’s like at our churches? Scroll down for FAQs.

  • a church building surrounded by greenery and limestone gravel

    Seddon | Epiphany Church

    1F Foster Street

    Sunday | 9 am

  • a church building

    Ward | St. Peter’s Church

    11 Carroll Street

    FIrst Sunday of the month | 5pm

  • A small church building surrounded by a stone fence

    Kēkerengū | St. Georges Church

    Kēkerengū Road

    Third Sunday of the month | 10:30am

  • red vineyards with golden mountains behind

    Awatere/Medway Valleys | House Church

    Contact us for more information


  • The locals - so in Seddon, a mixture of families, retired folk, and seasonal workers attend, while in Ward and Kēkerengū we are a mixture of locals who are mostly involved in the rural industries.

  • Usually smart casual.

  • We pray, sing together, and study the Bible. We celebrate communion once a month. We always have a cuppa and a snack after the service. Children are welcome. We love it when they scamper around. The children can slip out for an activity and snack while someone is teaching from the Bible. You are welcome to slip in the back and check us out.

  • A mixture of classic hymns and newer worship music.

  • Our preachers will usually speak about a portion of the Bible and explore what it means for us today.


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To keep up with what’s happening in the life of our church or to see our recorded sermons, head over to our Facebook page.

Visit Us

Epiphany Church
19 Clifford Street

St. Peter’s Church
11 Carol Street

St. George’s Church or

Kēkerengū Community Center
Kēkerengū Road