Parish Nurse
We employ a part-time parish nurse who makes visits to locals with health problems, and elderly community members in their homes. She also runs a monthly foot clinic in Seddon with the help of volunteers.
If you would like to know more about Parish Nursing, please contact us or you can watch this video, which includes an interview with our parish nurse Rachel.
Pastoral Care - Christ Centered Soul Care
Our Minister is very happy to visit, chat and pray if life gets confusing or if you have questions about the Christian faith. And of course, he is available to meet with you to discuss baptism, marriage or funerals.
If you would like to spend some time exploring questions, problems or troubles that you are facing, then please contact us. John’s approach to soul care involves careful listening, an exploration of motivation, and then investigating together what wisdom we can find through Christ in his scriptures.
Lunchtime clubs at local schools
We enjoy running lunchtime clubs at Ward and Seddon Schools. We currently run our clubs (known as ‘Bible’ or ‘RI’ or Christian Religious Education, CRE) during term two at Ward and Term three at Seddon school. This year our theme has been 'the parables (stories) of Jesus. We aim to grow together in manaakitanga, a word which describes many of the values Jesus taught.
Who is Jesus and why does he matter?
Christianity Explored is a relaxed and informal way of sharing the best news you can ever hear, and gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life.
Please contact us for more information.
Home Groups
We meet in small groups regularly to enjoy each others company, study the bible and pray. There are currently home groups in Seddon and Kēkerengū. Contact us if you would like more information.