2024 ACJV update # 11
Our annual Disco is happening this Saturday, September 21st (5:30 - 7pm) at Epiphany (1F Foster Street.)
Combined Service
We're looking forward to a service for all our congregations at Seddon led by Nick and Kezia on Sunday the 6th. (There will be no evening service at Ward that Sunday). If you normally worship at Ward or Kēkerengū please consider coming through and enjoy worshipping together. On Sunday October 6th our service at Seddon will be at 10 am.
The theme for synod was 'There's a Harvest in the Basket'. Bishop Steve related his sense (held by many church leaders) that there is a renewed interest in Jesus and the church among parts of our society. Steve encouraged us to focus on sharing the good news of Jesus in 2025 in ways that work for our parish. This focus fits well with our refreshed vision and mission statements. We will be praying and training and planning towards some evangelistic outreaches between Easter and Pentecost 2025.
Growth Group
Each week in the school term we meet at 7 pm on Wednesday to go a bit deeper into the previous Sunday's scripture and sermon. Some weeks we dig deeper into applying the passage, other weeks we might spend more time praying through some of the points raised in the sermon. Most weeks we meet at the Sinclair's.
Vision & Mission statements:
Here's the vision and mission statements we developed as part of our City to City renewal process:
Our Vision for the Awatere:
Christian communities united in Christ,
· gathering to worship in spirit and truth,
· pursuing biblical truth,
· equipped for every good work,
· joyfully serving as ambassadors of Christ.
Our Mission for 2024 and 2025 is:
Being disciples and making disciples by:
· developing pathways to Christian faith,
· gathering to grow in Christ,
· learning to share the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively.
God Bless,