2024 ACJV update # 9
Hi people,
Bishop Steve Maina visits June 30th, Epiphany, 10 am
Bishop Steve is visiting us on the 30th. Steve is an engaging preacher. He will also lead us in communion. The service will start at 10 am. This will give people from the Coast who are coming through a more relaxed start to the day. We'll have a cuppa and a snack after the service. Please bring a plate.
Growth Group
Each week in the school term we meet at 7 pm on Wednesday to go a bit deeper into the previous Sunday's scripture and sermon. Some weeks we dig deeper into applying the passage, other weeks we might spend more time praying through some of the points raised in the sermon. Most weeks we meet at the Sinclair's but this week we'll be meeting at Rob Cameron's place.
Vision & Mission
I will be receiving some coaching from City to City on implementing our mission. The management team has begun to consider how we establish pathways to Christian faith.
Our Vision for the Awatere:
Christian communities united in Christ,
· gathering to worship in spirit and truth,
· pursuing biblical truth,
· equipped for every good work,
· joyfully serving as ambassadors of Christ.
Our Mission for 2024 and 2025 is:
Being disciples and making disciples by:
· developing pathways to Christian faith,
· gathering to grow in Christ,
· learning to share the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively.
Buildings & Finances
We continue to upgrade Epiphany. The kitchen/children's area is now soundproofed and plastered. Although we have some finishing work to do, the soundproof doors are a real asset & fit in well with the look and feel of the church. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this project!
The management team is continuing to work on ways to grow financial resilience for our parish. We are currently considering building rental accommodation on the section in Seddon where St. Andrews stood.
Speaking of finances, ongoing giving to support ministry and the needy was a key marker of the life of the early Church, and is still part of the Christian life today. Thank you to the many people who support our parish financially, we greatly value your sacrificial support. We give as a community and trust God to provide for us as a community. Some of our giving goes to mundane things like paint, insurance and paying our minister but we trust that God is working through the mundane things to build his kingdom.
If you want to support the church in her mission in the Awatere, you can set up an automatic payment to bank account number:
06 0705 0360428 00. When setting up your AP please specify Awatere parish and supply your name.
Another way we encourage and serve one another is by helping out when the church gathers to worship God on Sunday mornings. One area that needs a few more helpers is our morning tea roster. You can specify how often you want to be on the roster and are free to step down/take a break at any time. Doing MT involves
Getting to church a few minutes early, bringing a small amount of milk, setting out cups and preparing the urn/teapot/coffee/tea/milk/sugar.
Most people doing MT bring a plate but if this doesn't work, that's fine, we have a supply of bikkies and frozen snacks.
Slipping out of the service a few minutes before the service has finished and make sure the water is hot, tea is brewing & food is ready to go.
Serving drinks and snacks
Cleaning up.
Please contact me if this is something that you could help out with from time to time.
God Bless,